India Becoming Global Super Power: The Role of Real Estate

India Becoming Global Super Power: The Role of Real Estate

Our nation has never been stronger than this before. As we celebrate our 78th years of Independence, the founder of Relata has joined us in the discussion. Let's find out his take on India becoming a global superpower and the role of real estate in it.

“I'm optimistic about India's ascent toward becoming a global superpower. Today I am going to talk about the core factors that could catapult India into the league of global superpowers.” Samudragupta Talukdar (Sam) 

Productivity: The Bedrock of Progress 

Narayan Murthy's statement stirred quite a buzz about working 70 hours a week. Sam believes what he meant by that was not about the hours; it's about being more productive. Investing 70 hours in work and even being only 70% productive can drastically improve the work dynamics. It would be like a significant leap in work efficiency, right? 

“Being the world’s most populous country is like a double-edged sword for us, don’t you think? To truly shine on the global stage, we need to understand the value of individual contributions. Drawing inspiration from the work ethos of China and Japan, where diligence and exceptional productivity are ingrained in their blood, we must also echo the same in our work ethics.” - Sam 

Builders of Tomorrow: Industries Paving India's Future

The past decade and a half have witnessed a paradigm shift as companies increasingly pivot towards product-centric models with a strong emphasis on manufacturing. Be it Apple's venture into manufacturing in India, the inauguration of Boeing's largest global campus outside the USA by our prime minister Narendra Modi, or the anticipated entry of Tesla into the Indian market, Sam highlighted how the focus on local production is reshaping India's business landscape and shaping the path for India's journey towards becoming a hub for global manufacturing. Our nation is undergoing an infrastructure renaissance, with GDP growth surpassing even China's. Whether it's the service sector's agility, the sustenance brought by agriculture, or the innovation of technology, they are great contributors. 

“One of the highest contributors to India’s GDP is real estate. As India's population grows, our work lives are transforming. Whether it's the hustle of offices or the coziness of home offices, the demand for residential and commercial spaces is skyrocketing.” - Sam.

By 2030, the Indian real estate sector is projected to soar to a $1 trillion market size, contributing 18–20% to India's GDP and becoming a significant economic catalyst. Now the question comes: where does Relata come in this growth trajectory? 

“As of 2023, 71.5K real estate agents are registered under RERA across India. The future promises even more growth, and to ensure their success, technology is a must. Relata, as a proptech company, is committed to supporting every player in this ecosystem, from real estate developers to brokers. Our vision has always been to empower anybody and everybody who is part of real estate, and we strive to be the catalyst for positive change and progress.” - Sam. 

The Future Vision: India's Technological Leadership

UPI's influence extends beyond borders. Even during the G20 visit, global leaders were astonished at the ease of payments in India. From vegetable vendors to cab drivers, everyone here knows the power of UPI.  Sam believes that India has a pool of talent, and I believe Indian intellectual capital can lead the world in technology. We have the prowess to build the best of the technology here. As a prop-tech leader, he aims to set the benchmark for how technology should seamlessly integrate with real estate. Let's make Indian technology a global trendsetter.

Final thoughts and message:

“The road to superpower status requires a focus on productivity and discipline. We all should think more about the individual's role and contribution to shaping our country's destiny. Let's channel our efforts toward bringing about a productivity revolution. Let's honor the spirit of "of the people, by the people, for the people." - Sam

With our shared commitment to progress, inclusivity, and unity, let's build a future where productivity, innovation, and equality propel India to a global superpower.

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